Become a member of our planned giving club
The Milneburg Society
We christened the naming of our Society to honor the very first planned gift contributor, Alexander Milne, our founder in 1838. Milne’s vision created “Milneburg” located on the South Shores of Lake Ponchartrain. It was ultimately swallowed up by one of the most prestigious destination cities in the USA, New Orleans. New Orleans is also the infamous home of the “Who Dat Nation” the New Orleans Saints football team.
Planned gift donors are invited to join the elite ranks of the Alexander Milne Developmental Services Milneburg Society. These are special donors who leave a bequest to Milne in their wills, create charitable remainder trusts or charitable gift annuities benefiting Milne, or name Milne as beneficiary of an insurance policy, a certificate of deposit or an individual retirement account.
Society members are individuals who, through their estate plans, have made an unconditional future commitment to the mission and purpose of Alexander Milne Developmental Services. Their generous expressions clearly reflect a profound belief in the vital importance of our community.
Milneburg Society Members include:
Coming Soon
Milne Century Fund Members:
Milne Century Fund members have committed in preserving the Milne tradition for the next generation for the next five years.
Milne Century Fund Members include:
Cornerstone Level
Mike and Carol Mesa
Steve and Donna St. Cyr
Pillar Level
Fluid Process & Pumps, LLC
Buddy and Connie Coate
Foundation Level
Glen and Tracy Smith
We are humbled by the time, talent and resources donated by every Milneburg supporter. Committed giving through the Milneburg Society and the Milne Century Fund provides a firm foundation that ensures our long term journey providing supported living services to developmentally disabled residents of Louisiana. If you have any questions, please free to reach out to Megan Lamier at (985) 327-6550 or [email protected]. Also, don’t forget, there are other ways that you can offer a helping hand to the Milne community beyond joining the Milneburg Society.
M - F 8:00am - 4:30pm
Sat & Sun CLOSED