SAFE @ MILNE Visitor Guidance
Visitor Safety:
- Visitors must be age 18 or older
- Everyone entering the care site, which is located at the Administration building, will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms, and are required to complete a Covid-19 screening tool; those with symptoms are asked to delay their visit.
- Please wear a personal cloth face covering or mask upon entering the Administration building; Milne will provide the necessary PPE prior to visiting our residents. After the completion of the Covid-19 Screening Tool, the PPE will be given, and this is to be worn during the entire visit. The Social Worker will take the visitor(s) to meet the resident for their visit.
Visitor Guidance:
- Each Resident may have two parents/guardians present.
- Visitors must agree to the 6/15/48 rule set by the CDC. (6 feet apart, for 15 minutes, for 48hours).
- All visits will be outside weather permitting. An alternate location will be assigned if weather does not permit for outside visits.
- Visitors will not be allowed in the homes at this time.
- The Social Worker will attend the visit along with the visitors. The social worker will sit in the vicinity of the visit, but not to intrude; her main goal is to ensure that the social distancing rule is being followed.
- For the following residents, one visitor or support person is welcome:
- Residents with Behavioral Issues at the time of visit
- Residents are at the end-of-life stage
- All visitors must make an appointment with the Social Worker, Karen Adams, at 985-327-6550. Visitation will be Monday – Friday 8-11 and 1 -4 with the length of the visit at a maximum of 1 hour. Special consideration on Saturdays may be allowed but these visits must be preplanned due to the need for special staffing accommodations.
- No visitors are allowed who are confirmed or showing signs/symptoms of COVID-19 except in end-of-life situations
- Milne will continue to limit visitation as such until a new directive from the State Department of Public Health or Louisiana Department of Health is issued.
Please Remember Masks & Social Distancing
Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to keep you, our residents, and the Milne team members safe.
Alexander Milne Administration
Sat & Sun CLOSED